
Red Wave? Vulnerable Dems Starting To Panic Over Midterms

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Vulnerable Democrats are upset with the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

One vulnerable Democrat blasted the DCCC for focusing too much on Trump and other Republicans and not enough on “pocketbook issues.”

Another vulnerable Democrat warned the DCCC from using abortion rights as a campaign issue. The Democrat said abortion was a ” lightning rod” in her district and they should stay away from messaging about it.

Some vulnerable House Democrats are unhappy with the party’s Washington-based campaign arm. They want to lay off the TrumpTrumpTrump stuff and focus on pocketbook issues. But DCCC chief Maloney remains fixated on Trump. From @playbookplus: https://t.co/TeKoHzoekY pic.twitter.com/hMmogYuGlB

— Byron York (@ByronYork) December 17,