
The Curious Case of ‘Videographer’ Baked Alaska: Marched and Filmed at the Charlottesville Tiki Torch March – Conversed with Ray Epps on Jan. 5 – Broke into Lawmaker’s Office on Jan. 6 to Film Faces – But Somehow Spared from Jail?

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Tim Gionet, AKA “Baked Alaska”, real name Anthine Joseph Gionet, is an alleged white supremacist, an antisemitic videographer who was a Trump supporter before he wasn’t. Then he became a Democrat Yang supporter. He attended the Jan. 5th and 6th rallies in Washington DC and broke into Nancy Pelosi’s office.  He appeared to use her phone.  And he filmed EVERYONE in the office with him.

Tim Gionet worked at Buzzfeed before he became assistant to Milo Yiannopoulos, whose career was exploding in 2016. He later left and went out on his own as a videographer.

In April 2017 Baked Alaska traveled to Berkeley, California to film a much anticipated free speech rally.