
The Purge Continues: Pentagon Issues Guidelines to Crack Down on Domestic and Patriotic “Extremism” Within Military Ranks – Simply “Liking or Reposting” Certain Views Can Trigger Discipline

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As our nation’s greatest enemies build their military might and actively threaten to launch attacks, US Military and Defense leaders are focusing on the important things – mainly, purging the ranks of all dissenters and pushing the Left’s radical ideology.

On Monday, as over 28,000 world-class men and women await their dishonorable discharge for refusing to take the experimental vaccine, the Pentagon issued detailed new guidelines that prohibit service members from engaging in a wide range of activities, citing concerns of increased “domestic violent extremism” within the military over the past few months.

The new policy focuses heavily on service members’ social media activities and even clarifies that “posting, liking, reposting, or otherwise distributing” certain views that have been deemed “extremist” is a direct violation that could result in disciplinary action.