
MSNBC Medical Analyst Dr. Vin Gupta Says the Unvaxxed Should be Denied Care in Hospitals (VIDEO)

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The dehumanization of the unvaxxed continues unabated.

MSNBC contributor Dr. Vin Gupta on Wednesday said the unvaxxed should be denied care in hospitals because it would create “negative incentives” in their lives to where they would want to get jabbed.

MSNBC’s Joy(less) Reid asked Dr. Gupta, a pulmonologist, what to do with the unvaxxed now that Omicron (sniffles and cough for most) is raging.

Gupta said the unvaccinated should be the last ones to be treated at hospitals (death panels).

“How do we rank—order that priority? We do it for organs, kidneys, livers, lungs. We say, ‘Did you smoke? Did you drink recently?’ If you did, you’re lower on the list even if you need it.