
“Whatever it Takes” – Biden Supports Senate Filibuster ‘Exception’ to Ram Through Voting Legislation – Says He Would Axe the Longstanding Senate Practice Without Hesitation (VIDEO)

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During a trainwreck one-on-one interview on Wednesday with ABC’s David Muir, Joe Biden said that he was in favor of “whatever it takes” to force his radical agenda through the US legislature in order for it to become law, even if it means terminating the filibuster – which he said he would do without hesitation if given the chance. 

Biden made the comments when Muir asked him about the Democrat’s proposed changes to federal election procedures included in H.R.1, which includes a sweeping overhaul on voting rights that would enable countless illegal aliens to cast votes and allow for even more extensive fraud than there was in 2020.

The radical legislation – which is deceptively named the ‘for the people act’ – would essentially rig US elections for good if it is passed,