
Georgia Voter Files from 2020 and Even 2016 Are Changing – Why Are These Likely Illegal Actions Secretly Happening?

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Someone is changing the voter files from the results of the 2016 and 2020 elections in Georgia.  Who is doing this and is it even legal?  If it is legit why is it done in secret?

Massive problems are being uncovered in Georgia’s certified 2020 Election results.  As these are being uncovered, someone is altering the files saved online related to the election.

The individuals at VoterGA and David Cross have uncovered another material issue in Georgia.

If the Secretary of State is supposed to maintain all election records, why is the voter history file not frozen in time on election day?  If edits need to be made for any reason, shouldn’t there be 1 file frozen on election day and a 2nd for updates?