
Governor Evers Says People of Wisconsin Should “Sit Back and Take a Breath” After Violent Criminal Was Released Back Out on Street and Murders 6 at Waukesha Christmas Parade

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Waukesha Christmas Parade killer Darrell Brooks with his Ford SUV in a video he published on YouTube in 2019.

On November 21, 2021, black supremacist Darrell Brooks intentionally sped his SUV through the crowd at the Waukesha Christmas parade. Brooks sped up his vehicle as he plowed through the parade killing 6 individuals and injuring more than 60 others.

Brooks should never have been out of jail in the first place, but thanks to felons-first Milwaukee DA John Chisholm, this violent felon was bailed out for just $1000.

The district attorney whose office let out Brooks on a $1,000 bond three weeks ago did so after Brooks ran over his girlfriend with the same vehicle he used to plow through the Waukesha parade.