
Angry Women Who Harassed Male Students at ASU Multicultural Center Are Found Guilty – Now Claim They Are Being Persecuted

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Back in September two multicultural women approached two young white men at an ASU student center and started screaming at them in public while they were studying.

The two angry women were insulted that one of the students would have a “police matter” sticker on the back of his computer.

So they screamed at the white students while they were studying.
The white male students ended up leaving the center and continued their studying elsewhere.

🚨 This insanity is happening on college campuses pic.twitter.com/BrVxICZYqP

— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) September 24, 2021

The ASU campus released a statement following the incident.

@ASU has just responded in a statement describing the episode (in which white students were ejected from a multicultural center on account of their race) a “disagreement between a handful of students.” pic.twitter.com/YhPDFWacDB

— Gregg Re (@gregg_re) September 24,