
Jan 6 Prisoner’s Fiancé Speaks Out and an 8-Year-old Boy Misses His Father After 11 Months Pass in the DC Gulag Hell — YOU CAN HELP HERE

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By Kelly Wilde

Jorden Mink has been held in pre-trial detention for eleven months without bond—largely under 22-23 hour solitary lockdown—in the D.C. Correctional Treatment Facility for crimes he is accused of committing on January 6th.

These are severe measures, considering Mink’s own indictment alleges he caused no bodily harm to a single person that day. So why such drastic measures, considering he has never committed a felony offense before?

 Mink, a 28-year-old Pittsburgh man and father of a young son, wounded the pride of the anti-American Administration we now find ourselves ruled under—and it, in turn, set out to ruin his life.

With a thirst for blood no normal person can comprehend,