
THIS IS BIG: Wisconsin Committee on Campaigns and Elections Demands Answers from Wisconsin Elections Commission on Who Had Access to Voter Rolls and Who Had Ability to Manipulate Them

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The Wisconsin State Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections has oversight authority over the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC), an executive branch agency. Last week the State Committee on Campains and Elections sent Meagan Wolfe, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Elections Commission a list of demands concerning the 2020 presidential election in Wisconsin.

The Committee, led by State Rep. Janel Brandtjen is demanding information from the Wisconsin Elections Commission on who had access to the voter rolls in 2020 and who had the ability to manipulate the voter roles.

We already know that a number of Wisconsin mayors turned over access to far left operatives, including secret access to the internet and ballot warehouse.

Formal Complaint Filed Against Green Bay Mayor for Turning 2020 Elections Over to Far Left Operative,