
Happy New Year 2022 – Let Faith, Hope and Courage Drive Our Efforts

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Happy New Year 2022!

The Gateway Pundit wishes you all A VERY BLESSED, HAPPY, AND PROSPEROUS YEAR!

2021 was a challenging year.  The China virus, lockdowns, high inflation, loss of individual rights, the torture of January 6 political prisoners, and a stolen election weighed heavy on our hearts.

But there are more challenges ahead.

We must fight on!
We must not submit to the Marxists and globalists.  We must not buy in to the constant fake news and outright lies from our liberal mainstream media.

We must have faith and courage.

We promise to deliver our best in 2021. We promise to bring the truth. We promise to bring you hope.

Let’s make 2022 a year of HOPE and FAITH.