
After Drumming Out Unvaxxed Servicemembers, Fully Vaccinated and Boosted Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Tests Positive for COVID

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Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, who says he is fully vaccinated and boosted, announced Sunday that he tested positive for COVID and is experiencing mild symptoms. Austin said his last contact with Joe Biden was December 21, when he tested negative before the meeting and well before the onset of symptoms. This month the Defense Department started discharging several hundred servicemembers for refusing orders to get vaccinated against COVID-19, rejecting claims for religious exemptions.

Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III greets Navy Adm. Philip S. Davidson, commander of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, at Indo-Pacific Command headquarters in Hawaii, March 14, 2021, photo by Lisa Ferdinando, DOD

Austin’s statement:

Statement by Secretary of Defense Lloyd J.