
“Couldn’t be Bothered to Vote”: MTG RIPS RINO Dan Crenshaw For Refusing to Show Up When It Counts – Often Allowing Radical Dem Proposals to Pass By Just ONE Vote

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Hours after being kicked off of Twitter for good, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene took to Instagram to absolutely SHRED fellow House Republican Dan Crenshaw for his theatrics over a “toothless” proposal to ‘hold big tech accountable,’ when, in reality, he’s been frequently absent for Congressional votes that are close enough where he would actually make a difference.

Case in point, Greene provides a screenshot of a roll call vote tally showing a proposal that was introduced by radical Maxine Waters passing by just one vote, 215-214. Four Democrats had gone across the aisle to side with Republicans, but Crenshaw refused to show up to cast the vote that would block the bill from going through.