
EXCLUSIVE: N806WA’s Flight Schedule Shows Hundreds of Flights from the Southern Border to US and Foreign Cities – How Many Planes Like N806WA Are There?

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On Saturday we first reported on a flight of illegals that landed in Pennsylvania.  We now have information on the several trips this same plane has flown and it is frightening. 

Here is the post we reported on Saturday about a plane full of illegal immigrants that recently landed in Allentown, PA.

SHOCKING EXCLUSIVE: While Americans Slept Thursday Night “World Atlantic” Flight 695 Transported a Full Flight of Illegal Immigrants from El Paso to Allentown, PA

Yesterday we reported how Pennsylvania Democrat Governor Wolf claimed the flights of illegal immigrants into his state only carried children who were transported through the state.  We have evidence that this is not true.

In Response to Illegals Arriving in PA Airports,