
Biden’s ‘White House Set’ Back in the News – Last Week There Were Containers in Windows, This Week It’s Snowing Outside

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What will it be next?  Biden’s White House set is a production just like his Administration is.

We’ve noticed for months that Joe Biden is giving his presentations to the media from a production set outside the White House.   This seemed very odd.

We first noticed Biden’s White House production when Biden took a booster shot on the fake set.

What Is Going On? Biden Takes Booster Shot on the Production Set of His Fake White House

The background outside the window changes like Biden’s statements on various topics.

Biden Blasts Republicans From Production Set Near White House: “Raising the Debt Limit is Paying Our Old Debts, It Has Nothing to do with New Spending” (VIDEO)

We even saw containers outside the White House a few days ago.