
Is the Washington Post the Deep State’s Ultimate Disinformation Dissemination Platform?

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Over the years we have seen the Deep State use the Washington Post as its top disseminator of garbage pieces. The Don Berlin dossier story in mid-December that was presented to President Trump right before Jan 6 is another example of this.

We reported last week how Deep State operative Don Berlin created a bogus dossier on the 2020 election fraud and presented it to President Trump.  This took place a few days before his rally on January 6th, 2020, at the Capitol.  (Parts 1 and 2 in this series are also linked to in this article.)

PART 3: WE CAUGHT THEM: Deep State Operative Don Berlin Presented Bogus Election Dossier to President Trump Before 1-6, Now Jan 6 Committee is Using This to Claim Insurrection and Take Down President Trump

Information from this bogus dossier was then summarized and provided to a group of individuals in the Trump White House,