
Psaki Says Joe Biden Will Spend Tomorrow Attacking Trump For Jan 6 “Insurrection” That Never Happened as Everything Around Biden Crumbles (VIDEO)

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Joe Biden has zero public events scheduled today and he will spend all day tomorrow attacking Trump.

Joe Biden will give a speech on Thursday, January 6, attacking Trump for an “insurrection” that never happened.

Not one DC Gitmo prisoner has been charged with the Insurrection Act.

Meanwhile in the real world, Americans don’t care about January 6.

Inflation is at a 40-year high, gas prices are soaring, the supply chain crisis is leading to empty shelves, a record number of Americans quit (or were forced out) their jobs, schools are closing and Covid tests are scarce.

Everything around Biden is crumbling but he’s focusing on a third impeachment.


White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki says Pres.