
“The Associated Press” Releases Trashy Smear Piece on Veteran Ashli Babbitt in Honor of January 6th

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The Associated Press should be ashamed of themselves.

They released a smear article right before January 6th about Ashli Babbitt, detailing her marital life and her alleged affairs as well as the affairs of her husband Aaron Babbitt.

The article, tilted “Ashli Babbitt a Martyr? Her Past Tells a More Complex Story” is grossly unethical.

It is nothing more than a supermarket tabloid-esque smear piece with the intention of continuing to smear a dead woman killed on January 6th by a police officer. The information they offer is irrelevant on the world stage that they have a tremendous influence on. This is the best they could come out with on the anniversary of January 6th?