
ASU Students Found Guilty Of Harassing White Students Are Triggered By College’s Punishment (VIDEO)

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After two students were reprimanded by Arizona State University for harassing two conservative white students, they are now accusing the university of conducting a “racially biased investigation.”

In a video, Mastaani Qureshi and Sarra Tekola claimed that they were punished by the university for “defending our multicultural center from racism and sexism,” and that the campus is “a violent place.”

Here’s the full video. https://t.co/cmfsHGVLyV

— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) December 29, 2021

Qureshi and Tekola made headlines when they posted a video of themselves harassing two students that were studying in the multicultural center. Qureshi and Tekola found the students’ “police lives matter” sticker and “Did not vote for Biden” shirt offensive.