
“For the First Time We Were All Able to Sing the Star-Spangled Banner Together, We Sang it Loud and Proud” – Exclusive: Patriots Speak Out from the Inside of DC “GITMO” – One Year After January 6

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By Kelly Wilde

One year after January 6th, we remember the American citizens who marched on the Capitol in peaceful protest only to be brutally attacked by the Capitol and Metro Police, entrapped by federal operatives, and smeared across the nation.

These protestors were peaceful until police mercilessly threw flash bombs, tear gas, and other crowd-control munitions into the crowd, killing at least four Trump supporters. Some came to defend old people, women, and children who were being violently assaulted by police that day.

One year later, at least 50 are rotting in jail in illegal pretrial incarceration. They have been denied due process and are being treated inhumanely, systematically held in months-long solitary confinement breaking international standards for cruel and unusual punishment.