
‘We’re Gonna Need a Booster in the Fall of ’22 and Forward’ – Moderna CEO Pushes Fourth Covid Jab

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Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel on Thursday said people will likely need a Covid booster by the fall of 2022 to increase their protection against the China virus.

Bancel said the efficacy of the current booster shot will decline over the next several months and people will need a fourth jab before winter 2022.

People with underlying health conditions will need annual Covid boosters indefinitely, according to Bancel.

Bancel’s comments come just one day after the CDC said the term ‘fully vaccinated’ is being replaced with ‘up-to-date’ shots.

CNBC reported:

Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel on Thursday said the efficacy of boosters against Covid-19 will likely decline over time,