
Liz Cheney Slips Up – May Face Legal Implications for Claiming She Was ‘Ranking Member’ of the J6 Commission

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Liz Cheney may have been caught in a lie when making garbage and insane comments on FOX News on Thursday.

Liz Cheney shared with FOX that she is the ranking member of the J6 Commission.

Liz Cheney claims to be the Ranking member of the J6 Commission. There are huge legal implications associated with this lie, as @MZHemingway pointed out.

Lying Liz also pushes lies about @RepJimBanks in this interview.

Nasty woman. pic.twitter.com/SEy7K6oLoF

— X Strategies LLC (@XStrategiesLLC) January 7, 2022

Molly Hemmingway from the Federalist commented on Cheney’s claims.

Holy crap! Liz Cheney just falsely claimed she is the ranking member — the top representative of the GOP caucus — on the J6 committee.