
Boston Marathon Terrorist Received $1,400 Covid Check While Incarcerated Thanks to Biden’s Stimulus Bill – Media Fact Checkers Forced to Eat Their Words

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According to a recently released report, US federal prosecutors are seeking to reclaim a $1,400 Covid relief check from Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev after Biden’s stimulus bill made the terrorist eligible to receive the money last summer.

Once the money is reclaimed, it will reportedly go towards the $100 million owed by Tsarnaev in restitution for his victims.

Tsarnaev, who worked with his brother to carry out the terror attack, killed three people in the Boston Marathon bombings. A police officer later was shot dead by the terrorist brothers.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was found guilty in all 30 charges in April 2015 and was sentenced to death, but a US Circuit Court of Appeals overturned his death penalty in 2020 because of claims of an “unfair trial.”

US Appeals Court Overturns Boston Marathon Bomber’s Death Sentence

