
CDC Director Walensky Won’t Say How Many Americans Died “From” Covid vs. How Many Died “With” Covid

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The world is finally waking up to what we reported a year and a half ago – there is a difference between someone dying from COVID and someone dying with COVID.

When the corrupt US Government addressed COVID they put in place unique ways of reporting deaths.  They began by claiming every death where someone was suspected of having COVID when they died was to be recorded as a COVID death.

This resulted in thousands of deaths being reported as COVID deaths that were not.  We reported on this in August 2020.

SHOCK REPORT: This Week CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers – Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone – Rest Had Different Other Serious Illnesses

Our article received a huge amount of attention as word got out that only 6% of all deaths reported as COVID deaths were actually due to COVID only.