
EXCLUSIVE: The First Jan 6 Insurrection Began with Obama and Comey Setting Up President-Elect Trump that Night in 2017

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The propaganda media for the Deep State Democrats is attempting to make Jan 6 a national day of remembrance due to the suspicious events surrounding the Capital riot of 2021. 

But the real Jan 6 insurrection was planned out by the Obama gang and was put into motion on Jan 6, 2017, when fired and disgraced FBI Director James Comey met with President Trump.

We know that Obama and a group of his top advisors met in the White House on January 5th, 2017.  We know this because Susan Rice memorialized this meeting in a bizarre personal email to herself discussing this meeting on the day of President Trump’s Inauguration.

Rice later wrote (as noted below) that the discussions on General Michael Flynn’s call to his Russian counterpart and discussions of the Trump – Russia collusion topic were all “done by the book.”

Biden was in this meeting as well even though he later denied it.