
Feds on Parade: The Mysterious Khaki-Clad Federal Patriot Front Is Back — This Time They’re Protesting in Chicago

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The Khaki-clad Federal Patriot Front group was out protesting again today — This time in Chicago for some reason.

Does anyone think this is a real thing?
We know the fake news does. That’s a given. But is anyone else buying this?

The group was marching in Chicago.
They were reportedly marching in the March for Life when they broke off and went to the Field Museum for some reason.

Via Brendan Gutenschwager.

The Federal Patriot Front is back, this time in Chicago 😂


— Art TakingBack 🇺🇸 (@ArtValley818_) January 8, 2022

There is absolutely nothing about this group that looks or feels authentic.