
“It’s RINOs Like This That Are Allowing Democrats to Destroy Our Nation” – President Trump Blasts RINO Mike Rounds on His Pathetic Sunday Show Display

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Over the weekend, weak Republican Senator Mike Rounds (R-SD) went on ABC News and sh*t on President Trump and his supporters.

Rounds told former Clinton advisor George Stephanopoulos that the 2020 election was “fair and as fair as we’ve seen.” Rounds then said we need to look forward and do what it takes to win those elections.

Mike Rounds is very comfortable being a lapdog to the liberal left and the media as the nation is crumbling down around him. He is just not up for the fight.

Trump endorsed Rounds in 2020.

THE ELECTION WAS NOT STOLEN per Sen Mike Rounds. #MAGA by telling the truth. #SaveAmerica & #SaveDemocracy RT pic.twitter.com/DlnIX9SJWk

— Romantic At Heart &