
Whites Need Not Apply: Biden Regime COVID Policy Prioritizes Race in Administering COVID Drugs

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As The Gateway Pundit previously reported medical professionals across the country have discriminated against white patients for COVID monoclonal antibody treatments.

MUST WATCH: Texas HHS DENIES Monoclonal Antibody Treatments For Whites – “If I Were Black or Hispanic Then I Would Qualify?” – Nurse: “Yep, That’s Right” – (Video)

This isn’t by accident, this is the policy of the Biden regime — to discriminate against COVID patients due to their race or ethnicity.
It’s not supposed to work that way in America – but here we are.

FOX News reported:

Guidance issued by the Biden administration states certain individuals may be considered “high risk” and more quickly qualify for monoclonal antibodies and oral antivirals used to treat COVID-19 based on their “race or ethnicity.”

In a fact sheet issued for healthcare providers by the Food and Drug Administration,