
EXCLUSIVE UPDATE: Despite Pennsylvania 2020 Election Investigation Being Delayed and Challenged by the Democrats, RINOs and Dominion, Investigators Hope to Begin Work This Wednesday

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The 2020 Election investigation of Fulton County, Pennsylvania is still in the works.  The investigators are trying to move forward but Pennsylvania Democrats, RINOs, and Dominion are trying to stop or stall any efforts to investigate the 2020 Election results.

In Fulton County, PA, all the usual suspects are still at it. RINO GOP politicians and the Democrats are working closely to prevent any PA Senate investigation of the 2020 Election. Dominion is now functionally controlling the legal fight to stop the PA Senate from investigating or even obtaining a forensic copy of the voting equipment (The PA Secretary of State and Dominion are trying to prevent Fulton County PA from giving access to the Senate Investigation to Fulton County’s voting machines).