
WATCH: Fauci Caught on a Hot Mic Calling GOP Sen. Marshall a “Moron” and then Shares Picture from Rand Paul Calling for His Firing

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Dr. Fauci, the self-proclaimed embodiment of sCiEnCe itself, was dragged up to Capitol Hill on Tuesday to testify in a Senate Health Committee hearing about his role in the Covid pandemic, including his shaping of US public health policy and numerous cover-ups that he has been involved in since this all started almost two years ago.

And just like the other times he has recently appeared before the Senate, things did not go well for Dr. Fauci.

Tuesday’s trainwreck comes just one day after Project Veritas released EXPLOSIVE never before seen military documents regarding the origins of Covid-19, gain-of-function research, vaccines, potential treatments, and the government’s effort to conceal everything – confirming once again that Fauci Lied under oath.