
Dr. Fauci: We’re Not Going to Eradicate Covid (VIDEO)

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Dr. Fauci on Wednesday once again said Covid will never be eradicated.

The Biden Regime is changing its messaging on Covid because the Democrats know they’re in trouble going into the 2022 midterms.

We’ve been saying for nearly 2 years that Covid, just like swine flu and other influenzas, will never completely be eradicated.

“We’re not going to eradicate this, we’ve only done that with smallpox, we’re not going to eliminate that, that only happens with mass vaccination programs like with measles…but we will ultimately control it,” Fauci said Wednesday morning during a Covid press briefing.


Fauci says COVID will not be eradicated, but that it will be controlled. pic.twitter.com/8qu9jBfEzu

— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) January 12,