
Joe Biden Erects Concrete Security Wall Around White House — But Leaves US Border Wide Open

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The Biden administration built a concrete security wall around the White House this week. It is not clear yet why they believe the construction of the concrete wall is necessary.

Via Conservative Treehouse.

.@ChadPergram, do you know why the White House is erecting a perimeter concrete blast and security fence directly around the building? pic.twitter.com/6l4qQEf2xG

— TheLastRefuge (@TheLastRefuge2) January 12, 2022

The White House this morning

Richard Citizen Journalist pic.twitter.com/WLe96PZDVN

— IamRedUSA (@lamRedUSA) January 11, 2022

Meanwhile, the US Border is completely wide open. Illegal immigrants are flooding into the country at record levels.