
Massive “Defeat the Mandates” Rally Planned for Jan. 23 in Washington DC — SPEAKERS INCLUDE: RFK, Jr, Dr. Malone, Dr. McCullogh, Lara Logan, Steve Kirsch, etc.

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There is a MASSIVE RALLY planned on January 23rd in Washington DC.

The peaceful rally will include the top authorities on the Coronavirus in the country today.

Speakers Include: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.,  Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullogh, Lara Logan, Steve Kirsch, etc.

More than Six Thousand Federal Workers will also join the rally in DC including: Firefighters, First Responders, Doctors, and Americans in Peaceful March to Defeat the Mandates

 We will be posting more updates as we receive them…

An American Homecoming – January 23, Washington, DC

Preliminary List of Speakers

Bret Weinstein, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Jessica Rose,