
Will This Be the End of the Great American Experiment? Democrats’ Efforts to Pass ‘Right to Cheat’ Bill Will End Free and Fair US Elections Forevermore – Here’s What You Can Do…

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It’s all about power.  Will elections in the US continue or will the Democrats pass HR1 which will end this great American experiment? 

Barack Obama and Joe Biden wouldn’t accept the 2016 election win of President Trump so they attempted to steal it.  When that didn’t work they put together a series of coups to have him removed from office.  This harassment and insurrection went on for years.

There was no Russia collusion, everyone knew it.  But this was the excuse the Deep State used to end Trump.  When they couldn’t do it they then stole the 2020 Election.  Their efforts to date have only made President Trump’s base stronger and more resolved to take this country back for our children and grandchildren.