
Kevin McCarthy Releases His Milquetoast List of Promises to the American People if the GOP Retakes the House — Now Here’s Our Gateway Pundit List of 15 Action Items…

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Milquetoast GOP leader of the House, Kevin McCarthy released an uninspiring list of items his Republican Party will aim for if-when the GOP retakes the US House of Representatives in November of this year.

→ Stopping the flow of drugs & human trafficking on our border
→ Making it easier to start & grow a business in America
→ Re-establishing America’s energy independence
→ Passing a Parent’s Bill of Rights

The list was so weak and uninspiring it only garnered 1.4 thousand retweets.
That’s just people being polite.

As tyrannical Democrats continue their violent, Communist revolt against the American people this is the best the GOP elites can do…

When Republicans regain the House,