
Kachelman: Those Crying Out “Conspiracy” Are the Ones Who Need to be Arrested, Adjudicated, and Punished.

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Guest post by John L. Kachelman, Jr.

I’m speaking to the Ruling Elite…YOU scornfully claim I wear a tinfoil hat and idle the time away in delusional dreaming of imagined political catastrophes. YOU scoff at my concerns and dismiss my patriotism with comic memes. YOU casually prance from day to day as if everyone and everything in this world is at your “beck and call.” YOU utter illegal and absurd mandates and heartedly condemn non-compliance but then you hold yourself aloof from the compliance you demand from others. YOU claim I am obsessed with conspiracies that are unfounded and serve as fodder for insurrectionist protests when in reality it is YOU fomenting the conspiracies. YOUR childish antics are deserving of the playground retaliatory quip: “I’m rubber,