
Biden Administration in Desperation Move Gins Up Russia as Boogeyman

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The Biden Administration suffered one defeat after another in the week just ended and apparently has decided to go back to the Russia playbook in hopes of diverting the attention of the American public from the domestic disasters that are tanking Biden’s approval number. Biden and his intelligence community stooges are pushing propaganda that the Russians–acting on Putin’s orders–are going to stage false flag attack in Ukraine:

The US has intelligence suggesting Russian operatives have been deployed to conduct a “false flag” attack in eastern Ukraine that will act as a signal for Moscow to invade its western neighbor, the White House said Friday.

Press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters that the operatives had been tapped to carry out “sabotage attacks” against Russian proxies in the region and added that Moscow’s “influence actors” had begun to “fabricate Ukrainian provocations in state and social media to justify a Russian intervention.”

I do not believe in coincidence.