
Family of Synagogue Terrorist Malik Faisal Akram Asks How He Was Able to Enter the US with Criminal Record? How Did He Get In?

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Malik Faisal Akram is the jihadi hostage-taker who died on Saturday after a 12-hour ordeal in a Texas synagogue.  His brother asks how Akram was able to enter the US with a criminal record.

On Saturday night after hours of holding hostages in a Texas synagogue, jihadi hostage-taker Malik Akram was dead.

New Video Shows Hostages Escaping Jihadi in Texas and Him Chasing Them Out of Synagogue Before Running Back In

Now his family is asking how he entered the country. 

The Daily Mail reports (highlights added):

The family of a 44-year-old British Muslim man who was shot dead by police in Texas after launching a terror attack on a synagogue last night demanded to know how he was allowed into America despite a long criminal record.