
New Video Shows Hostages Escaping Jihadi in Texas and Him Chasing Them Out of Synagogue Before Running Back In

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The jihadi hostage-taker in Texas saw two of his hostages run out of the synagogue as he chased them out the door.  A short time later the hostage-taker was dead.

We reported yesterday on the FBI’s confusion in determining why a jihadi would take over a Texas synagogue and take on hostages.

FBI Labels Trump Supporters Terrorists But Can’t Understand Why Jihadi Holds Hostages in Jewish Synagogue?

To no one’s surprise, Biden was confused and didn’t know why the jihadi was holding Jews captive in the Texas synagogue as well.

Joe Biden on Muslim Hostage-Taker: I Don’t Think There is Sufficient Information to Know Why He Targeted That Synagogue (VIDEO)

By last night and after mounds of criticism for denying the obvious,