
COVID-19 Daily Updates in NSW Australia Reveal Most Recent COVID Deaths Were Vaccinated Citizens

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We were told the experimental COVID vaccines were going to “stop the spread” and “prevent death and hospitalization.”

The New South Wales government website released its daily Covid update. Based on its daily report, most of the people who died with COVID-19 in January 2022 were at least double vaccinated.

Here is the data available on the NSW government website:

Jan 19 (vaccinated: 24, unvaccinated: 8)

Sadly, NSW Health is today reporting the deaths of 32 people with COVID-19; 12 women and 20 men.

Three people were aged in their 40s, three people were aged in their 60s, eight people were in their 70s, 11 people were in their 80s and seven people were in their 90s.