
VIDEO: Crowd Boos and Yells “Why Do We Need You” When RINO Dan Crenshaw Gives His Lame Excuse For Why He Hasn’t Helped Jan 6th Detainees – Says it Would Be “A Performance”

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Rep. Dan Crenshaw should probably have just stayed home instead of appearing at his latest campaign stop over the weekend – but, he didn’t, and so we get to enjoy seeing him tank his political prospects in stunning fashion.

Earlier this week, a video of Crenshaw getting heated over a young girl’s line of questioning during the event went viral.

Needless to say, it was not a good look for the Texas RINO – snapping at a child never is. Someone in the crowd could even be heard calling him a moron among the boos.


Watch: Dan Crenshaw Snaps at Young Girl at Fundraiser — Crowd Starts Yelling and Chanting Let’s Go Brandon,