
VIDEO: Guest on Tucker Carlson Sounds The Alarm Over Biden “Sleepwalking” the US to War With Russia – “It’s Not Just Nuts It’s Dangerous” – We’re “On the Precipice” Of Conflict Unseen Since WWII

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Over his first year in office, Biden and the vengeful, unhinged leftists pulling his strings have damaged this country in many more ways than one, but their debauchery has also caused a ripple effect around the world.

Several areas of the world have been thrust into the purgatory of awaiting war to break out thanks to actions directly taken by the fraudulent Biden regime or his family’s illicit backroom business dealings. Whether it’s Taiwan, Afghanistan, Khazakstan, or Ukraine, each one of them has been directly impacted by the corruption of the Biden Crime Family.

Over the past few weeks, one conflict in particular looks as if it is on the fast track to hitting the point of no return.