
Feds on Parade… Mysterious Khaki-Clad Patriot Front Group Hijacks March for Life Today in Washington DC

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The Khaki-clad Federal Patriot Front group was out protesting again today — This time at the March for Life in Washington DC.

Two weeks ago this mysterious khaki-clad group showed up at the Chicago March for Life for some reason.
They were feds.

EXCLUSIVE: Evidence Suggests Yesterday’s Khaki-Clad Patriot Front Parade in Chicago Included ‘Tradecraft’ Indicating Federal Government Involvement

Today the group hijacked the 49th Annual March for Life.

Is anyone buying this?

I’m at the police line between the pro life march and Patriot Front (feds probs) pic.twitter.com/JaIlNLqkQQ

— Olivia Rondeau 🇺🇸 (@rondeaulivia) January 21, 2022

The post Feds on Parade… Mysterious Khaki-Clad Patriot Front Group Hijacks March for Life Today in Washington DC appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.