
Support For Pelosi and Schumer Led Congress Crashes By Half… Among Democrats

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Even Democrats are souring on Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer as leaders of Congress.

Last spring, Democrats had a 50% approval of the Pelosi and Schumer led Congress, but now it has dropped to 26%.

That means that only the most hardcore leftists still approve.

Hot Air reports:

Oh my: Democrat support for Pelosi/Schumer-led Congress crashes by over half

Joe Biden may not be alone in a confidence-crisis cascade. Gallup’s latest polling on congressional approval finds it declining, which may have all the newsy value of reporting on the wetness of water. But the origin of this decline demonstrates the damage the party has done to itself after several months of internecine warfare over its extreme-left turn:

This is from Gallup:

Democrats’ approval of Congress rose 50 points between December 2020 and February 2021 when it peaked at 61%.