
After Assisting China’s Military in COVID R&D the Biden Administration Gives Ecohealth Alliance a $4.7 Million Grant

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After being involved with China in the research and development of the China coronavirus, Ecohealth Alliance is provided another grant under Biden’s Administration. 

We’ve reported previously on Ecohealth Alliance.  This entity worked with China’s military in researching coronaviruses.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Documents Obtained by Judicial Watch Show Peter Daszak, EcoHealth and US Institutions Worked with China’s Military in Researching Coronaviruses

The National Pulse reports:

EcoHealth Alliance – an American nonprofit that collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology on manipulating bat coronaviruses resembling COVID-19 – has received one of its largest ever grants from Joe Biden’s White House.

Led by the disgraced Peter Daszak – a long-time Anthony Fauci ally – EcoHealth’s new Biden-era grant began on October 26th,  » READ MORE