
EXCLUSIVE: PA Secretary of State’s “High-Minded Talk of Election Security and Dark Conspiracies Hides a Low-Minded Political Power Play” – PA Senate President Pro Tempore Corman and Senator Dush Ask Court to End Stay on PA Election Investigation

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The Pennsylvania Senate President Pro Tempore Jacob Corman, III, and Senator Cris Dush ask the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to end the corrupt PA Secretary of State’s (SoS’s) emergency application to stay.  Their arguments are very solid. 

We’ve reported on the proposed investigation into Fulton County, Pennsylvania’s voting machines that have been halted by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court due to a request from the Pennsylvania Secretary of State and Dominion Voting Machines.  These two entities then provided a nearly 700-page document with their reasons for why the Fulton County investigation should be stopped.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Pennsylvania’s Secretary of State, Dominion, and Democrat Senators Beg PA Supreme Court to Stop Investigation of Fulton County Voting Machines

Today we received word that the Pennsylvania Senate President Pro Tempore Jacob Corman,