EXCLUSIVE: In 2020 Wisconsin Had Over 265,000 Mostly Illegitimate ‘Indefinitely Confined’ Votes, Instead of Political Leaders Addressing 2020 They Now Want to Update the Law
In the 2020 Election in Wisconsin, the state had more than 265,000 ‘indefinitely confined’ voters. This massive increase was challenged in the courts. The state’s response was to do nothing. Now they want to fix this going forward.
In the 2020 Election in Wisconsin, there was a massive increase in ‘indefinitely confined voters’ in the state. It was clear that most of these votes were not legitimate. The Supreme Court in Wisconsin agreed.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court reviewed the state’s process surrounding indefinitely confined voters and observed that the Democrat Governor issued a directive in March 2020 regarding COVID-19. Based on this, the Dane County and Milwaukee County clerks issued almost identical orders declaring that all voters may consider themselves indefinitely confined due to illness,