
Leftists Attack, Then Fight Americans For Not Wearing Masks at ‘Defeat The Mandates’ Rally in DC (VIDEO)

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After the targeting of Trump supporters on Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021, many Americans fear gatherings of patriots in DC could become another false flag event.

The ‘Defeat The Mandates’ rally was relatively peaceful, as more than 25,000 Americans celebrated freedom and demanded the government rescind tyrannical and detrimental COVID-19 mandates along the Lincoln Memorial on Sunday.

But on the outskirts of the memorial, outraged Antifa “resistance” groups were eager to attack proponents of freedom.

As soon as this reporter stepped out of the car to walk to the memorial, at least a dozen protesters wearing rainbows, “pussy hats” and two or threes masks on their faces were seen getting in people’s faces, demanding everyone mask up.

Holding boxes of masks,