
Listen in on Jan-6ers and “Oathkeepers” Court Conference this Tuesday, Jan. 25th at 11 AM EST. YOU CAN BE THEIR VOICE!

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Guest article written by Laura Elizabeth Jenkins, originally published at AmericanGulag.org. 


Get involved! Dial 877 848 7030, access 3218747. (Politely mute yourself.)

You can hear attorneys speak to the judge and provide an update on these politically persecuted January 6th defendants:

Graydon Young, Donovan Crowl, Thomas Caldwell, Jessica Watkins, Jason Dolan, Sandra & Bennie Parker, Kelly & Connie Meggs, Kenneth Harrelson, James Beeks, Laura Steele, Roberto Minuta, Joshua James, Jonathan Walden, William Isaacs, Joseph Hackett, David Moerschel, and Brian Ulrich.

 After the Conference, Respectfully Call or Write The Following Officials*:

                                                                 Federal Bureau of Prisons: 202 307 3198

320 First Street, NW
