
EXCLUSIVE: Women Fighting For America’s Jan. 28-30 Border Event Comes Under Attack from Angry Leftists and Big Tech – Organizers Vow to Push Forward — REGISTER HERE

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The Women Fighting for America “Take Action Tour” has come under attack by woke corporations and hackers, according to WFFA founder Christie Hutcherson.

The Gateway Pundit announced this “historical unification event” scheduled for January 28-30 in McAllen, Texas. Incredible speakers, including Arizona State Representative Mark Finchem and General Michael Flynn, will headline the three-day event at the U.S.-Mexico border.

JAN 28-30: Women Fighting For America Announce The TAKE ACTION TOUR With AZ State Rep. Mark Finchem And General Flynn

An event representative told TGP that the Payne Arena in Hidalgo, Texas holds 7,000 people, and jumbotrons will be set up for the overflow crowd.